You can contact the assistant for:
You can make an appointment with the doctor's assistant by contacting the practice.
If you are physically unable to come to the regular consultation hour, the GP can also make a home visit. To request a visit, please call before 11:15 am. Visits are made between 12:00 - 13:30 and after 16:00.
Huisartsenpraktijk Elsrijk offers care to people living in the postcode areas 1181, 1182 and 1185. The practice is closed to new patients.
Good contact with your healthcare provider is important. If you are not satisfied or have a complaint, we advise you to discuss it with the person involved and/or your GP first. You can also contact the complaint form fill in.
All MC Molenweg GPs have joined an independent regional complaints committee; DOKH, for complaints that cannot be resolved with the person concerned or your own GP. For more information and the patient leaflet, see the website.
T 072 - 527 91 00 (Secretariat)
T 072 - 520 83 25 (Disputes and complaints procedure)
If you do not cancel the appointment at least 24 hours in advance, we are obliged to charge a fee. You will then receive a bill from your GP. The costs will be charged to yourself and will not be reimbursed by your health insurer. The fee for a 15-minute consultation is €30.
For a double consultation or a consultation with the practice support person (POH), longer times will be reserved for you. We therefore charge a rate of €60 per consultation.
In general, a medicine declaration is required if your medicines fall under the Dutch Opium Act. Which declaration you need depends on the country you are travelling to and how long your trip will last.
Fill the Taking medicines on travel help in and you will get tailor-made advice. This will take a few minutes at most.
Practices are very busy. The phone is red hot at many times and the consulting hours are overcrowded. We are aware that you sometimes have to wait a long time on the phone and also sometimes have to wait before you can come to the surgery. We prefer not to do this either.
The demand for care is currently very high. We do our best to help everyone as much as possible.
Should I go to the doctor?
Determine within one minute whether you need to see a GP:
Are you already familiar with our digital consultation service?
On weekdays between 09:00 and 16:00, you can speak to an acting GP via a video link. These consultations do not require an appointment and you do not need to visit the practice. Take a seat in the digital waiting room.